​伊比利亚火腿 西班牙美食珍宝

伊比利亚火腿 西班牙美食珍宝


Among the treasures of Spanish gastronomy, Jamón Ibérico is a real gem: the exquisite ham is one ofthemost characteristic products of Spain that have been produced at its heart for over 2,000 years.

Ibérico ham, with unprecedented quality and a flair of tradition, has its special place on the menu of countless restaurants in Spain: Spaniards are passionate about the ham and consume it at any type of celebration…or any day really! However, the passion for Ibérico ham spreads far beyond its home country: consumers in other parts of the world are getting increasingly interested in this one-of-a-kind product, won over by its unique characteristics and the ritual that goes along with it.



Discovering Jamón Ibérico探索伊比利亚火腿

Accounting for roughly 10% of Spanish ham production, Ibérico ham is considered the king of Spanish hams and is highly regarded all over the globe: it is one of the most exclusive and expensive meat products in the world.

It’s no wonder that Spanish Jamón Ibérico on-the-bone products, have become a fixture at high-end restaurants in China and soared in popularity over the last several years: inimitable flavor and aromas, guaranteed high quality and safety, and, of course, the unparalleled gastronomic experience that comes with every bite of the Ibérico ham.

The consumers and restaurant-goers are also intrigued by the art of ham carving: similar to the serving ritual of some of the traditional Chinese dishes, with a chef demonstrating part of the process in front of the amused guests, the ham carver elegantly cuts water-thin slices of the fragrant Ibérico ham to be immediately served and enjoyed.

What precedes this excellent gourmet experience is the long and scrupulous process of production. The Ibérico ham is produced in Spain using the hind legs and front limbs of the pigs, sea salt, fresh air and time—months or even years. And it all starts in Spanish dehesa…





在这种超绝的美食体验之前,是漫长、严谨的生产过程。 伊比利亚火腿用猪后腿和前腿制成,西班牙火腿的生产要用猪肉、海盐、新鲜空气还有时间,数月甚至数年。而这一切是从西班牙的林地开始的。

The Dehesa and Its Residents林地及牧放其上者

The dehesa is one of the most captivating landscapes in Spain: endless meadows covered with emerald grass, with holm and cork oaks spreading their leafy crowns. This landscape is unique to the Iberian Peninsula—just like the native Iberian pigs that inhabit this region.

The Iberian pig descends from a breed of wild boar that once roamed the Mediterranean basin and is now the last of the grazing species in Europe. In this natural environment, the dehesa, the pigs have enough space to wander and graze on everything offered by the meadows– from grass and stubble to wild legumes – but, above all, they feast on acorns (bellota), which are the high-fat fruits of the oaks.

The balanced, natural food is largely the reason for the excellent organoleptic qualities of the pork they produce: these animals transform the fats from the acorns they eat into the marbled fatty tissues that run through their meat. The high fat content, distinguished aroma, flavor and shiny appearance are the emblem of the delicious and tender Jamón Ibérico.




The Spell of Taste风味构成

Ibérico ham must be made from the meat of Iberian pigs or pigs that have been cross-bred with the Iberian pigs: the singular characteristics of the meat of Iberian pigs is the key to creating this gourmet product.

In various areas and geographical indications of Spain, for example DO Jabugo, DO Guijuelo or Dehesa de Extremadura PDO,  Ibérico ham producers make sure to use proven traditional production methods along with modern technology when creating Ibérico ham—to ensure the safety, quality, hygiene and, of course, the robust taste.

One of the key attributes of the marbled Ibérico ham is a nutty aftertaste that is not present in any other types of ham. Jamón Ibérico should be eaten in wafer-thin slices to appreciate the fragrant, delicate flesh, flecked with fat from the pigs’ acorn diet. Rich in monounsaturated fatty and oleic acids, it melts in the mouth, flooding the palate with its intense, long flavor.

To ensure that the taste of the Ibérico ham is undisturbed, it is rarely eaten with other foods… but is often enjoyed with a glass of Spanish sparkling wine from DO Cava or with rich reds from DO Rioja or DO Valdepeñas.






Choosing the Grade品级分类

Jamon Ibérico is one of the most luxurious Spanish products and is available in different grades, depending on the breed of the pigs used for the production and their diet—and each of the grades has its own unique “recipe.”

Jamón de bellota 100% Ibérico: This highest and the most expensive grade of Ibérico ham signifies that the ham was produced from 100% pure-bred acorn-fed Iberian pigs with access to the natural resources of the dehesa.

Jamón de bellota Ibérico (50% or 75%): To be classified as the second-highest grade, the ham must be made from the meat of the mainly acorn-fed pigs that are at least 50%-75% Iberian, with access to the natural resources of the dehesa.

Jamón de Cebo de Campo: To receive the third-highest grade, the ham should be produced from pigs that are at least 50% Iberian breed, grazing on resources of the dehesa and animal feed made of natural grains and legumes.

Jamón Ibérico de Cebo: The Ibérico hams of the fourth grade are produced from farm-reared pigs that are at least 50% Iberian, with the diet consisting mainly of grains and high-quality feed.

Rooted in the Spanish gastronomic tradition, Ibérico ham brings an authentic taste and fragrant aromas to countless tables around the world. The tradition of consuming Spanish ham is growing in China year by year as more and more Chinese consumers and chefs discover the unique qualities of this esteemed luxury product and, along with it, the passion for Spanish food and gastronomy.








Discover more Spanish products and explore the world pf Spain’s unique gastronomy at SpainFoodNation portal via the QR code.



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